
Engage, Collaborate, Learn, and Share!

Welcome to the BoardSource Exchange! This platform allows you to connect to your peers in the BoardSource member community.

Here are a few simple steps to get you started.
  • Post your own question or discussion topic, and contribute to discussions started by others. Visit the BoardSource "Member Forum" directly or find it under the "Participate" tab above > "My Communities."
  • Share interesting content: videos, documents, and links. If linking to other content, please do so with the intention of sparking discussion and provide a brief summary of that content.
  • Complete your profile by adding your bio and a photo.
  • Be sure to visit the FAQ section for more helpful tips and instructions.
  • Keep exchanging, learning from other leaders, and sharing your knowledge and experiences!


Resources for Nonprofit Leaders 

Have a Governance Question?

The Exchange is a great place to consult your peers for their suggestions and experiences. Our Ask-an-Expert team can also provide answers to and resources on challenging governance questions. 

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The BoardSource Exchange is an engagement and collaboration tool for BoardSource members. To learn more about joining BoardSource’s membership community, please visit boardsource.org.